Wednesday, December 21, 2011

i just want to sleep

Since November i've been not able to sleep.... SO i know a lot of people blog, maybe this will help my mind feel at ease and i'll get to tell everyone the days i've been having as a new Behavior Therapist. Most days are pretty much the same, but on the rare occasion i have some crazy days!

Last week was the first crazed day. We live in an area called North Park of San Diego, which is pretty close to downtown, I got put onto a case that is up in Carlsbad, about 30 miles North of where we live.... that begins the crazy wednesday i had. My session hours were from 300-5:30. I arrive at the house as usual but when the mother answers the door, she explains that there must be some confusion because she canceled services today... Confused as she was, i called the office and the person who does scheduling isn't in that day... FANTASTIC. I totally remember speaking with her on Monday about a fill in with the client, and knew i was right because i wrote it down. Thank the Lord for iPhone's saving even deleted messages, because there it was! I listened i called back, i got paid "Office" rate instead of therapy rate, but still got paid basically for driving to and from Carlsbad. However it sure did ruin my day. From there at least the rest of week happened as normal.

However at night not so much! I cannot seem to fall asleep or stay asleep. Which if you know me, I need, need, need my sleep. My body and not getting enough sleep i always get sick. So not getting 7-8 hours a night, really is screwing up everything. At first i would get up and watch/put on Harry Potter, a for sure knock out for me, but i hadn't seen Year 1 in forever, so that was a bust! Didn't end up sleeping until 4am. Long sleepless nights short, i've watched all the way up to year 7!

now, i'm on to long somewhat boring movies or movies that i haven't seen in a while but know that at 3am, will help me forget focusing on not being able to sleep, but tonight i've chosen Eat, Pray, Love. Maybe with Julia Roberts finding her life, i'll be able to find some sleep! =)

well this is the first of i think many sleepless nights.

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